Tuesday, June 7, 2011

New Things

It has been a while since I have posted anything. Just enjoying our summer I suppose. Natalie continues to make great progress. In the last few weeks she is more consistent with some sounds, comprehending more and more, and even saying some words:

Hi (although this has only been heard just a few times)
Uh-oh (more like "uh-uh" but we have heard the "o" sound coming out more and more).

always has to be carrying around as many things as she possibly can

Some video clips:

A few things I have been focusing on with her are shoes and noses. She seems to know what they are. Generally if I ask "Where is Natalie's Shoes..." she would most often turn her head in the direction of the shoes. She doesn't exactly go and get them and bring them to me.

If I ask "Where is your Nose..." it may take her a few times to get that I am asking her to do something, show me, etc. She typically will pull at my nose or put her finger in my nose.. :)

She had an assessment a few weeks ago and her scores indicate she has better expressive language (verbal) than receptive language (comprehension), so we are going to try and focus more on naming things and saying what they are, and do less of making the sounds. (ie. so for Airplane, she knows what it says, she can make the "ahh" sound, so we will just call it an airplane and do less of the sound.)

She did score well considering she is only hearing for 4+ months. The testing just shows us where she is at in both receptive, comprehension and then combined.

A score of 100 is considered average, but you can go -15 or +15 points either way to be in the average range.

Receptive score: 81 (so about 4 points from being in the average range)
Expressive score: 101 (average)
Combine score: 90 (just below average but in the average range)

So if we continue to keep working hard, she should really be catching up with her peers very quickly. We are following: The Intervention Hieraarchy for Language and Vocabulary (4 steps)

1. Input
2. Comprehension
3. Imitation
4. Spontaneous use


Laura said...

James wasn't talking like that until he was 2 and he didn't say anything really until he was 3. She is ahead in my book. Wow! What a smartie. I am so impressed. Only a few months of hearing and look at all she can do. She is adorable too.

Melanie Herway said...

It's true (looking at the last comment) I know 18 month olds that are just saying those words. You are doing such a good job with her!

Melinda said...

she is just amazing! shes doing so well!! Once you hear the word once or twice i find it disappears for awhile but once it comes back its back for good! I agree with the other comments, she is definately ahead in my books too, because i know kids around this age that are savannahs friends & they dont say boo or even do half of what your saying! your doing a great job :)

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